What is LEADER?
LEADER is a French acronym "Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de l'Économie Rurale", and stands for ‘Links between actions of rural development’.
As its name suggests, LEADER is a method of mobilising and delivering rural development in local rural communities, rather than a fixed set of measures to be implemented. LEADER can make a real difference to the daily lives of people in rural areas, with local businesses and community groups in County Louth benefiting from LEADER funding since 1995. It promotes social inclusion, poverty reduction and the economic development of rural areas. LEADER is based on a bottom up approach to rural development whereby rural communities and people identify their own needs and propose solutions.
It promotes social inclusion, poverty reduction and the economic development of rural areas. LEADER is based on a bottom up approach to rural development whereby rural communities and people identify their own needs and propose solutions.
For further information on the LEADER
Rural Development Programme please contact
+353 87 1735168