Structure of LEADER
The LEADER programme 2023-2027 is administered through the Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). The LCDC has two partners involved in the whole LEADER process. Louth Local Development, as Implementing Partner and Louth County Council, as Financial Partner. The LCDC members are drawn from community, farming, public, representatives and rural enterprise organisations as well as state agencies. The focus of the work of the LCDC is co-ordinate, plan and oversee local and community funding in a more joined-up approach.
With funds in the region of €735,000 to distribute per year through grants, the Louth Local Community Development Committee has very clear procedures in place to ensure this happens both efficiently and to the best effect.
Applications are received by Louth Local Development, go to an evaluation committee and recommendations are made to the LCDC and on approval by the LCDC, a contract is signed by the applicant. Once this contract is signed the applicant can carry out the work and will be paid on its completion.

For further information on the LEADER
Rural Development Programme please contact
+353 87 1735168