About the Course
Programme Title: Biodiversity Training in Co Louth Training
Duration: 2.5 hours (including break)
Dundalk Venue: Louth Local Development Community Office, Park Street, Dundalk
Tue 27th Feb Workshop 1 - 6.30 to 9pm
Tue 5th March Workshop 2 - 6.30 to 9pm
Tue 12th March Workshop 3 - 6.30 to 9pm
Tue 19th March Workshop 4 - 6.30 to 9pm
Drogheda Venue: Louth Local Development Office, John Street, Drogheda.
Wed 28th Feb Workshop 1 - 7pm to 9.30pm
Wed 6th March Workshop 2 - 7pm to 9.30pm
Wed 13th March Workshop 3 - 7pm to 9.30pm
Wed 20th March Workshop 4 7pm - to 9.30pm
Training Programme Aims and Objectives:
· To raise awareness within local communities of biodiversity and the natural environment
· To encourage engagement with developing, maintaining and protecting the natural environment and local biodiversity change and community action projects on biodiversity.
· To promote behavioural change and community action projects on biodiversity.
Training Programme Overview:
The training courses will provide participants with a deeper knowledge of biodiversity in Ireland, the importance of biodiversity, ecosystems’ services, and an understanding of human impacts on biodiversity and the natural environment. The courses will explore individual and local sustainability measures in relation to biodiversity and encourage groups to undertake initiatives and action projects in their community.
Workshop Descriptions
Workshop 1 Exploring Biodiversity: during this engaging interactive workshop, we will discuss what biodiversity is, explore some weird and wonderful species, examine how Ireland’s biodiversity is doing and why biodiversity is important for all of us. The workshop includes a range of hands-on activities related to biodiversity.
Workshop 2 Problems and Solutions for Biodiversity: we are currently facing a global biodiversity crisis. During this workshop, we will explore the problems facing biodiversity, how climate change is affecting Ireland’s wildlife and look at what we can do to help conserve our vital biodiversity.
Workshop 3 Sustainable Gardening: in this workshop, we will look at how we can garden more sustainably and how we can create havens for wildlife in our gardens. We will explore home composting, soil health and wildlife-friendly plants and practices.
Workshop 4 Actions for Biodiversity: the interactive workshop explores how individuals, communities and organisations can take action and make changes in their lives to encourage, conserve and maintain biodiversity. We will look at innovative projects that are taking place around the world to help inspire participants to undertake initiatives and action projects in their community.
To book your free place, contact: derbhille.clarke@lldc.ie or call on 087 2592098.
Your Instructor
Gavin O'Connor
Gavin works with The Rediscovery Centre in Dublin.