Since 1995, Louth Local Development CLG have delivered a range of programmes in County Louth to support social and economic development and inclusion for individuals, families and communities.
Welcome to
Louth Local Development CLG
Supporting Communities, Families, Enterprise and the Environment
At Louth Local Development we strive to empower and facilitate development and social change, through the delivery of a set of integrated supports which address the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage and poverty.
As a trusted public service provider, we place individuals and communities at the heart of our delivery. We ensure their views shape the design, development and evaluation of our services. Governed by a local everywhere ethos, we build local partnerships and networks to ensure our services, reflect the needs and priorities of the communities we serve.
Louth Local Development is a Local Development Company funded by the Irish Government and charged with the delivery of a range of programmes whose aim is to support specific target groups with a view to making a positive difference in their lives. The company was set up in January 2009 as part of the process of restructuring of the local development sector nationally. The process, referred to as cohesion, was aimed at merging the activities of Area Partnership and LEADER companies under one Local Development Company at county level. Our main purpose is to promote support both the urban and rural communities, promote social inclusion, support enterprise development and employment creation, facilitate access to education, training and lifelong learning and assist community groups in identifying needs and developing local solutions. Our main programmes which are delivered by us are the Social Inclusion Community & Activation Programme (SICAP) and the Rural Development Programme (LEADER), Local Area Employment Service and the Louth ABC programme. These programmes have an important role in developing innovative responses to local problems, and in building local capabilities to address local needs and develop local resources and services. The main objectives of Louth Local Development are: (a) social development (b) enterprise development to facilitate rural regeneration (c) community development, designed to benefit and promote the welfare of local communities or to deal with the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage or poverty. Our work includes training, employment, enterprise and social enterprise support, community development, early years programmes, family support, rural and health and wellbeing programmes. These are delivered by over 90 staff members, across six locations throughout County Louth and across three sites in County Meath. All of our work is governed by our voluntary Board of Directors which comprises representatives from the state sector, community and voluntary sector, social partners and statutory agencies.

We value being a community-based, not for profit local development company and we use a community development approach to support the most disadvantaged communities and individuals

We value our relationship and working in collaboration with our partners and the wider community

Serving the community is at the heart of our work, and we are committed to learning and delivering services to the highest of standards.

We are committed to involving individuals and communities who experience poverty and social exclusion in decision making, planning processes and actions within Louth Local Development.